May 26, 2010

Super cool give away - on someone else's blog

I saw this on Momma Amma's blog and I just thought this give-a-way was too cool not to mention. I haven't been reading this blog until now but with the name of it (Let's Have a Cocktail), I'm sure she and I will be fast friends!

This give away is really awesome, I just wonder if I could ever find a photo where my kids are doing something as cool as her kid is in that one! Most of our photos have one if not both of the kids doing a combination of crying/hitting/screaming/picking a nose/etc.

Go here and check out how you can win some personalized art for your wall.


  1. let's have a cocktail, eh? don't mind if i do - i must go check it out! :)

  2. I know, right? I'm always up for a cocktail or six.


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